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Posted by Security Door Controls on February 28, 2025 at 10:00 AM
Security Door Controls


SDC’s U.S. factory has been retooled to build even more products in-house than ever before, diminishing common supply chain issues. Besides a further reduction in lead times and improved quality control, SDC is able to offer more “build to suit” services for must have access and egress control hardware when market demand outpaces supply. 

Lean Manufacturing

SDC utilizes a Lean Manufacturing System to produce SDC products. In doing so product quality and output is increased, material needs are provided for in real time, while manufacturing each product individually, as apposed to several units at the same time. All parts associated with each product are within arms reach at all times along with detailed assembly drawings for assembler reference and insured product quality.

Buy American Act

The Buy American Act, enacted in 1933, generally requires the U.S. government to purchase goods produced in the United States. With a robust toolbox of over 35,000 access and egress control components, SDC products form turnkey solutions to address almost any door opening imagined. The result is an impressive breadth of products all Designed, Engineered and Built In America. 94% of all our products comply with the Buy American Act.

Topics: Buy American, US Manufacturing


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