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Rhonda Wiegman In Memoriam

Posted by Security Door Controls on August 16, 2024 at 7:47 AM
Security Door Controls


It is with great sadness, and also with great gratitude for having known and worked with her, that we announce Rhonda’s passing Thursday morning, August 15th, after a difficult illness.

For 10 years, Rhonda has served as more than SDC’s Sales Administrator. She not only managed a mountain of sales data and quote requests with professional poise, but also calmly shepherded us through the complex logistics of our numerous exhibit and tradeshow efforts. She was a rock-solid, steady influence who treated everyone with polite respect and compassion.

A few years ago, she began to experience some health issues, but was resolute in not being defined by her difficulties. She managed to maintain her commitments, compassion and positive outlook without complaint – and in response – lifted our spirits and mutual admiration for her unselfish example. In short, she touched us all in many ways.

Rhonda leaves behind a loving family: husband Steve, daughter Carly and husband Steven and their children Owen and Sawyer, and sons Coby and Lance. Through the years, Rhonda was a tireless volunteer in her community and could be counted upon for her help with many extra-curricular activities and events staged here at SDC.

Rhonda will undoubtedly be missed by more people than we can possibly know. We are very blessed to include her as a valued member of our SDC family.

Love and Godspeed Rhonda.