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40 Years of Comprehensive Delayed Egress Solutions

Posted by Security Door Controls on March 7, 2025 at 10:00 AM
Security Door Controls


SDC pioneered the revolutionary delayed egress locking category to the industry in 1985 before patenting and launching ExitCheck® 1511S series in 1995 – the world’s first delayed egress lock to integrate a visual digital display, verbal countdown and alarm tone, alternating verbal message and door release indicator. Since then, SDC has developed the premier line of delayed egress solutions offering the most choices, flexibility and customization available in the market.

Why Delayed Egress?

Based on acceptance by the door hardware and security industry starting in 1981, Delayed Egress 
has become a recognized code compliant exit door solution for a variety of non-emergency security applications - while still providing immediate release with smoke or fire detection or other condition as needed. 

What are Delayed Egress Locks?

Delayed Egress Systems are door locking solutions designed for use in non-emergency situations to prevent a door from opening immediately when egress is attempted. Fire, Life Safety and Building codes usually require that occupants can freely exit in a single motion to unlatch the door without special knowledge, effort, or the use of a key or tool. Delayed Egress systems are an exception to the rule. Delayed Egress systems are used to control pedestrian traffic in government, public and transportation facilities, including airport jetways and tarmacs. They provide theft protection of merchandise, technology and other valuables such as art and museum artifacts in stores, warehouses, art galleries, museums and technology facilities. Delayed Egress locks also restrict movement of wandering patients in senior assisted living, psychiatric, and drug rehab facilities and guard against infant abduction in hospital nurseries.

How Did We Get Here?

Prior to 1981, emergency exit doors could only be locked by means of a latching exit device. Frequently, alarm devices were paired with the door to sound when egress was attempted. Although immediate egress was always possible, little security was provided. Because of this it was not uncommon to find exit devices chained and/or padlocked illegally during certain times of the day. In 1981, the NFPA 101 – Life Safety Code was changed to allow for a 15 second delayed release of a failsafe locking device on openings of this type to provide more security without compromising life safety. SDC responded to the change in code by pioneering the delayed egress locking category, patenting the first exit door security system with a 15 second delayed door release in 1985. Then, in 1995, we patented and launched ExitCheck® - the world’s first delayed egress lock to integrate a visual digital display, verbal countdown and alarm tone, alternating verbal message and door release indicator.



Topics: Delayed Egress


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